
Ascolta le interviste podcast di World Wide Webserie

In questa pagina trovate brevi podcast registrati durante festival, eventi o interviste. Per restare aggiornati sui nostri podcast, seguiteci su SoundCloud.

In this page, you are going to find short podcasts we recorded during festivals, events or interviews. To stay update on our podcasts, follow us on SoundCloud.

Sicily Web Fest 2017

Alessandro Patrizi - Getalive The Web Series (ITA)

by Chiara Bressa | Podcast Time at Sicily Web Fest 2017

Michele Boreggi - Shotgun Boogie (ITA)

by Chiara Bressa | Podcast Time at Sicily Web Fest 2017

Emanuele Sana - Caronte (ITA Podcast)

by Chiara Bressa | Podcast Time at Sicily Web Fest 2017

Simone Albano - One Shot La Web Serie

by Chiara Bressa | Podcast Time at Sicily Web Fest 2017

Clemy Clarke - Hollywood (Eng Podcast)

by Chiara Bressa | Podcast Time at Sicily Web Fest 2017

Resta aggiornato sui nostri podcast. Seguici su SoundCloud! | Stay update on our podcasts. Follow us on SoundCloud!